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Eight Cut

Also known as the “Single Cut”, an eight cut  is a variation of the brilliant cut and is often used  on Diamonds under .05ct. Despite its name, it  actually has 17 or 18 facets (depending on if a  culet facet has been added). 

On the crown, there are 8 facets plus the table,  and below the girdle there are a further 8 facets  on the pavilion. As with a round brilliant cut, the  pavilion is slightly deeper than the crown.

The eight cut, or single cut, is applied to very small gems where it is impossible to apply more  facets. Furthermore, when gems are set on solid  backgrounds  (such  as  watch  faces  or  certain  cufflink designs), if no light is able to enter from  the back, then the eight cut is normally applied. 

Also,  on  the  odd  occasion  when  translucent  or  opaque  gemstones  are  faceted  into  round  shapes, they are often eight cut rather than round brilliant  cut.

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Small eight cut Diamonds.